Jal Jeevan Mission-District Dashboard

Heirarchy Details
Total Bolock :
Total Panchayat :
Total Villages :
Scheme/Agency Details
No Of Agency :
SLSSC Scheme :
Jal Nigam Scheme :
District Progress
Total Villages :
Households :
FHTC(%) :
Total HGJ :
Total Cirtified :
HO Villages :
Incoming Complaints Received
All Complaints :
Close Complaints :
Pending Complaints :
Feedback from Gram Pradhan On Call
All Complaints :
Close Complaints :
Pending Complaints :
Estimated Cost and Expenditure Detaile(In Lacs)
Estimated Cost :
Expenditure :
Expenditure(%) :
Village Status
Jal Nigam Villages :
Urbanized Villages :
Un Inhabitant :
less than 100 Population :
Yet to be alloted :
SLSSC Data Required :
Alloted to agency but SLSSC Not Done :
Agency Progress Details
Sr.No. Agency No Of Scheme No Of Village households FHTC FHTC % Har Gar Gal Certified
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 GA INFRA - BABA (JV) 251 391 92955 66.03% 140786 67 22
2 Gayatri Projects LTD 127 187 65575 91.21% 71891 115 41
3 NKG-PRIMUS (JV) 328 534 150457 92.95% 161866 145 18
Components Wise Physical Progress
Sr.No. Components Taget Achivement %
1 2 3 4 5
1 Tubewell 710 699 98.45
2 Pump House 710 696 98.03
3 Chlorination system 94 78 82.98
4 OHT 708 698/126 98.59
5 Distribution (Line Laying in Km.) 5814 5379 92.52
6 Solar Plant 489 466 95.30
7 F.H.T.C. 26610919 22756461 85.52
8 W.T.P.
10 Villages where 100 % road restoration completed 96810 51349 53.04