Best Performing DGC's

S.No District Indicator Rank Actual Value
1 Unnao Public Outreach Activities Undertaken 42 1.00
2 Unnao Educating Schools, College & Communities for conserving habitats of Ganga Riverating Schools, College & Communities for conserving habitats of Ganga River 0 0.00
3 Unnao Media Publicitya Publicity 0 0.00
4 Unnao Ganga Aartis are conducted in the districta Aartis are conducted in the district 0 0.00
5 Unnao Number of Nalla's in the district flowing into tributaries or Ganga directlyer of Nalla's in the district flowing into tributaries or Ganga directly 0 0.00
6 Unnao Percentage gap between Solid waste generated & solid waste actually treated in the town- across all ULBs within the districtentage gap between Solid waste generated & solid waste actually treated in the town- across all ULBs within the district 0 0.00
7 Unnao Involvement of NGOs in recycling of Pooja/Floral waste in the townlvement of NGOs in recycling of Pooja/Floral waste in the towm 0 0.00
8 Unnao Whether regular cleaning / disposal of solid waste undertaken and monitored in all ULBs within the districther regular cleaning / disposal of solid waste undertaken and monitored in all ULBs within the district 0 0.00
9 Unnao Surprise inspection made by assigned authoritiesrise inspection made by assigned authorities 0 0.00
10 Unnao Regular cleaning of Ghats is happening / Frequencylar cleaning of Ghats is happening / Frequency 0 0.00
11 Unnao Presence of open Dumpsites near river banks/ river flood plain across all ULBs within the districtence of open Dumpsites near river banks/ river flood plain across all ULBs within the district 0 0.00
12 Unnao Solid waste hotspot mapping of Ganga River town has been done across all ULBs within the districtd waste hotspot mapping of Ganga River town has been done across all ULBs within the district 0 0.00
13 Unnao Plastic Waste Hotspot mapping has been done across all ULBs within the districttic Waste Hotspot mapping has been done across all ULBs within the district 0 0.00
14 Unnao Adequate twin litter bins have been installed in every 50 meter of river Ghatsuate twin litterbins have been installed in every 50 meter of river Ghats 0 0.00
15 Unnao Presence of Legacy waste dump near river banks/ river flood plain across all ULBs within the districtence of Legacy waste dump near river banks/ river flood plain across all ULBs within the district 0 0.00
16 Unnao Development of Ghatslopment of Ghats 0 0.00
17 Unnao Development of Cremetoria - Newly constructed or Renovated (Percentage Completion of Work)lopment of Cremetoria - Newly constructed or Renovated (Percentage Complettion of Work) 0 0.00
18 Unnao Percentage of dead bodies cremated in electrical crematoriumentage of dead bodies cremated in electrical crematorium 0 0.00
19 Unnao Afforestation Activities in river bank arearestation Activities in river bank area 0 0.00
20 Unnao Soil conservation activities conductedconservation activities conducted 0 0.00
21 Unnao River Bank Stabilisation activitiesr Bank Stabilisation activities 0 0.00
22 Unnao Ganga Nursery developmenta Nursery development 0 0.00
23 Unnao Medicinal and Aromatic Plantscinal and Aromatic Plants 0 0.00
24 Unnao Capacity building and awareness activities conducted related to Afforestationcity building and awareness activities conducted related to Afforestation 0 0.00
25 Unnao Tapping of Nalla'sing of Nalla's 0 0.00
26 Unnao Are all STPs in the district operationalall STPs in the district operational 0 0.00
27 Unnao Percentage of work completed for new STPs under constructionentage of work completed for new STPs under construction 0 0.00
28 Unnao Conducted surprise visits to STPs for monitoring operation and management of STPucted surprise visits to STPs for monitoring operation and management of STP 0 0.00
29 Unnao Reuse of treated waste water for different purposes mentioned belowe of treated waste water for different purposes mentioned below 0 0.00
30 Unnao Availability of plant for co- treatment of fecal sludge in existing STPslability of plant for co- treatment of fecal sludge in existing STPs 0 0.00
31 Unnao Availability of fecal sludge treatment plantslability of fecal sludge treatment plants 0 0.00
32 Unnao List of Gross Polluting Industries (GPI)of Gross Polluting Industries (GPI) 0 0.00
33 Unnao Whether regular meetings are held with industries (If Yes- Number of meetings held and name of industries)her regular meetings are held with industries (If Yes- No of meetings held and name of industries) 0 0.00
34 Unnao Surprise inspection visits made by DGC (District Ganga Committee ) / authorising officerrise inspection visits made by DGC (District Ganga Committee ) / authorising officer 0 0.00
35 Unnao Action taken against non-compliant Industrieson taken against non-compliant Industries 0 0.00
36 Unnao For all villages with population more than 10k if there exists solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) planall villages with population more the 10k if there exists solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) plan 0 0.00
37 Unnao Ganga Aarti are conducted in Ganga gramsa Aarti are conducted in Ganga grams 0 0.00
38 Unnao Ganga gram Swachh Survekshan is conducteda gram Swachh Survekshan is conducted 0 0.00
39 Unnao Status and availability of Ganga Praharis, Ganga Mitra/ Volunteerus and availability of Ganga Praharis, Ganga Mitra/ Volunteer 0 0.00
40 Unnao Whether Bhuvan Ganga App is used by Ganga Gram to update the activitiesher Jan Ganga App is used by Ganga Gram to update the activities 0 0.00
41 Unnao Toilets constructed across Ganga Grams near river Gangaets constructed across Ganga Grams near river Ganga 0 0.00
42 Unnao District Biodiversity register created by Biodiversity Board in the districtrict Biodiversity register created by Biodiversity Board in the district 0 0.00
43 Unnao Endangered species in the districtngered species in the district 0 0.00
44 Unnao Ponds utilised for the production of fisheriess utilised for the production of fisheries 0 0.00
45 Unnao Awareness campaigns or capacity building activities conducted to preserve the Biodiversityeness campaigns or capacity building activities conducted to preserve the Biodiversity 0 0.00
46 Unnao Sighting of Migratory birdsting of Migratory birds 0 0.00
47 Unnao Ganga Safety audits are conducteda Safety audits are conducted 0 0.00
48 Unnao Yearly sand mining plan preparedly sand mining plan prepared 0 0.00
49 Unnao Master plan for towns greater than 10 Lakhs of population exister plan for towns greater then 10 Lakhs of population exist 0 0.00
50 Unnao River centric special projects included in masterplansr centric special projects included in masterplans 0 0.00
51 Unnao Number of meetings held of DGCer of meetings held of DGC 0 0.00
52 Unnao Budget and maintenance of accounts is doneet and maintenance of accounts is done 0 0.00
53 Unnao Vacancy in District Ganga Committeency in District Ganga Committee 0 0.00
54 Unnao Whether Bhuvan Ganga App is usedher Bhuvan Ganga App is used 0 0.00
55 Unnao Small River rejuvenationl River rejuvenation 0 0.00
56 Unnao Wetland conservationand conservation 0 0.00
57 Unnao Spring Rejuvenationng Rejuvenation 0 0.00